Legal Information

Last version 16/01/2024


Article 1 : Website description

This website is accessible at the following URL: (hereafter the “Website”).
The website publisher is the company PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE, SA with a capital of 7,216,936 Euros, registered on the Company Register 399 424 753 Annecy, the head office of which is located at 1 rue de l’Ecriture – Saint Martin Bellevue – 74370 Fillière, France, represented by Mr Yoshio Wada, duly authorized for the purposes of these terms.
The manager of the publication is Mr Julien Barabant.
You can contact us by email: [email protected], or by phone: +33
Website is hosted by the company OVH, whose head office is located at 2, rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

Article 2: Freedom of service

The use of the service set up by PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE and described in these general terms is completely free.
However, the equipment (computer, telephone, software, telecommunications, etc.) allowing access to this service is the sole responsibility of the internet users, as are the Internet connection charges.

Article 3: Intellectual property

The Website and its contents are the exclusive property of PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE. Apart from simply viewing the Website on the Internet, any other use of the Website or its content is subject to the prior agreement of PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE.
It is strictly forbidden to use or reproduce the name of “PILOT” and / or its logo, any brand and design mentioned and / or presented on the Website or any other related site, for whatever reason in particular for advertising purposes, without the prior written consent of PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE.
The images that illustrate the Site come from the PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE photo library (credits must be quoted).

Article 4: Protection of personal data

Internet users’ personal information will be handled in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of April 27, 2016. Here is the link to our Privacy Policy, providing information on the way we collect and process personal information.
If you have any queries regarding our Privacy Policy please contact us at: [email protected].

Article 5: Use of cookies on our website

A cookie is a text file placed on the hard disk by a Web pages server. Cookies cannot run programs or introduce a virus to the computer. Cookies are only used for specific purposes such as easing your visit technically or providing statistics. Our cookie policy and the way to not receive cookies is described in our Privacy Policy.
When you visit our Site for the first time, we inform you that we use cookies, with the help of an information banner shown at the foot of the page. By continuing your browsing on our Site when this banner is shown, you consent to our use of cookies.
We are likely to include on our Site computer applications from third parties, such as for example Youtube. They are using cookies if you use them and we have no control over their process as they are acting for themselves. For more information concerning cookies and the use of your personal data by these applications, we advise you to consult their policies and general conditions for use.

Article 6: Risks related to the internet

The Website services are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the case of force majeure or an event beyond the control of PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE and subject to maintenance periods and potential failures.
The transfer rate and response time of information circulating between the Internet and the Website platform are not guaranteed by PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE. In fact, the speed at which information is circulated does not fall within the access service offered by PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE, but the inherent characteristics of the online network with regards the technical means of acquiring the traffic generated.
PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE reminds users of the Internet’s characteristics and limits and accepts no responsibility for the consequences of users’ connection to this network via the Website.
More particularly, PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE cannot be held responsible for any damage, material or immaterial, caused to users, their IT equipment or the data stored on it, or any potential consequences on their personal, professional or commercial business.
PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE cannot be held responsible for any use, by a third party, of elements appearing on private areas of the Website.
PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE cannot be held responsible in the event that one or several users cannot connect to the Website due to any technical fault or any problem notably related to the overloading of the network.

Article 7: Suspension and termination

PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE may unilaterally and at any time temporarily or definitively interrupt the online availability of its Website without its liability being sought and without this giving rise to an award of damages of whatever nature.

Article 8: Third party websites

The Website pages may contain hyperlinks referring to other websites managed by companies other than PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE and over which PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE does not exercise any control. PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE does not assume any responsibility for the content of these third party websites or the content to which these third party websites may refer.

Article 9: Various

PILOT CORPORATION OF EUROPE is free to change these general terms of use at any time. The latest version of the general terms of use is imposed on users.